Yin and Yang - Finding Your Balance

Catherine Hunter • August 5, 2019

Balance in our lives is fundamentally important.

Id like to introduce you to this amazing picture by BLADES & LUCAS
This is an idea I’ve had for such a long time, a desire to represent the balance in life, the play of polarity and opposites, and the zero point of creativity.
Each of these dresses were created some time ago. I had a desire to photograph the black dress in a more art based way than the typical styled wedding shoot. I've been consciously moving away from the traditional bridal photo shoot, and if I’m honest it’s never really satisfied me. I think it may be my Alexander McQueen background or the philosophical interests I have for self discovery and alignment that has driven a me to deeper artistic place. While Bridal is all lightness, purity and grace, it’s wrong to deny there is a darker side. Each as important as the other.

Balance in life is fundamental. But what is balance to me, may be hell to you, so discovering your own boundaries is essential and it takes time and intention.
How do you create balance in life? It’s not just the activities we do inour lives, but the intentions behind them.
Where is my mind when I do daily routine? Am I at peace or is there a storm within? When the storm comes do you listen to what it has to say in order to create more light on the other side? This too shall pass. If you believe you create your own reality, the flow of energy is paramount to what what you create.

What is Yin and Yang? A simple definition is 'Two halves that together complete wholeness'.
Yin and Yang are also the starting point for change. When something is whole, by definition, it’s unchanging and complete. So when you split something into two halves – yin/yang, it upsets the equilibrium of wholeness. Both halves are chasing after each other as they seek a new balance with each other.

How can you enhance your energy and promote balance in your life? Here's a few ways that you can incorporate into your everyday life.

  1. Meditate – Meditation allows us to be fully present with the quiet places within us, and focus completely upon ourselves and what we need to live a full and balanced life.
  2. Breathing Exercises – Breath is one way we consistently bring life into our bodies. Taking a deep breath into your body allows you to focus on the conscious and unconscious thoughts that reside in your mind, and to transform them into positive energy.
  3. Affirmations - Positive thinking is a fantastic way of bringing ideas to life and focusing our minds in order to achieve our goals. When we speak, we consciously put our thoughts out to the universe, and speaking commands or prayers are the tools that allow us to invite more positive energy to flow through us.
  4. Laughter - Laughter lifts our mood, gives us light, and creates positivity. Essential to balance in everyday life.
  5. Loving and Being Loved - Love is the frequency of the universe and when we act from this place of grace and compassion, our heart lightens. When we share this love and grant it to others unconditionally, the universe blesses us as well. We are honoring this innocence in all we encounter and it not only feels amazing, but it actively amplifies our energy.
  6. Live with Passion - Don;t live a life that lacks fulfillment, choose passion over the mundane, in any way possible. Doing what we love is not an act of selfishness, it is an act of self love, and in order to give love to others, we need to love ourselves first. Do what makes you happy, and be fulfilled, passionate and focused on what you choose to do.
  7. Release Negativity - Toxic relationships can be hugely damaging in so many ways. When people are abusive, disrespectful and demanding, your life energy is quite literally drained. To let go of relationships that feel the opposite of love, no matter how difficult, will fill our lives with positive energy and will allow us to attract and gain abundance and more loving connections.
  8. Be Consistent - Energy is always moving, and consistently showing up for your life balance practice shows commitment and dedication. Give time and consistently practice love and harmony in your life, and concentrate on keeping positive energy consistent in your life.
  9. Be Compassionate - Live with empathy, respect and understanding. Treat yourself with gentle care and the love you cultivate for yourself will naturally flow out to others.

Photograph by Sam Lucas Photography
Concept by Catherine Blades
Dresses by Catherine Blades Couture
Model - Georgina Lawrence

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